Make the most out of your website | Website Consultant - Kyo

Website Optimization

structure du contenu web

Value-added Content

Modules et fonctions

Innovative Features

maximiser le telechargement de la page

Accelerated Download

Don't waste your energy in a poorly-built website

A website represents a significant investment for any business. An independent consultant separate from your web designer is essential in making key decisions.

Spending a few hours with a professional ensures a solid foundation for a highly successful Internet strategy.


Persona Analysis

Who are your potential customers? Identify the motivations and concerns of your target market.

Site Sketch

Integrate functions that will enable you to build an interactive marketing plan on a solid foundation.

Start Up Site Web

Content Writing

Entrust the composition of your website text to a professional to establish your online presence.

Optimize and optimize again.

Connect and automate your statistical reports to measure your progress periodically.

Analyse des statistiques pour planifier sa stratégie

Some examples of features

clavardage quebec

Live Chat

code qr au quebec

QR Codes and Barcodes

Langue automatique

Geolocated Adaptation

compte client

Customer Connection

schema markups quebec

Google Information Encoding

Harvest the full potential of your website

To successfully launch your business online, it’s crucial to view your website not only for its aesthetics but also – and most importantly – for its ability to generate a return on your investment, just like any other marketing tool.

In an initial two-hour meeting, your consultant and you will discuss your goals and target audience to structure the information in a way that your customer would seek it. A sketch will outline your website to make this information intuitively easy to find. You will also gain insights into the essentials of search engines like Google.


Master Your Content

Flexible Banner

Always make a good impression.

Structured Blog

Showcase Your Expertise

Internal Search Box

Understand Your Visitor

Google Analytics Stats

Plan strategically.

Integrated Social Media

Broadcast your information for free.

The Origins of Kyo Marketing Interactif

Kyo Marketing Interactif has been like a second home to me since 2012, an adventure I cherish day after day....